Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Desperate Housewives

I didn't write a blog for few months. I'm just too busy with stuff. Oh yeah, eventhough I'm busy but I will never miss a chance to watch Desperate Housewives tonight.

From all this beautiful girls, who do you think is the hottest one? Yeah, Gabrielle (Eva) of course, and this new season kind of more interesting than before. Everybody have their own stories which makes me can't wait until the next series to come.

I just hope Mike and Susan can be together again. Bree, please don't ever think of marrying the phsychic pharmacist. Lynette, get busy with your new post and Gab, I don't think Mary can beat you at all.

Oh well, the real story will show what's gonna happen next. Anyway, I hope I can buy the first season of its collection. But damn, it's too expensive to buy it. But perhaps sometime I can have it. As one of my favourite collection.